Mission Conferences
South Sudan Conference: August 2021
- Our three day conference was complete and well attended.
- We are working with the 12 churches that comprise the BFC Mission Conference.
- We started and completed Discipleship Training.
- Each day was begun by a Devotion from the BFC Reflections followed by opening prayer and worship.
- We had twelve churches in attendance.
- All were very active and had many comments.
- Much emphasis was on the sections of Forgiveness & Spiritual Warfare.
- Pastors had many extra copies of the workbook for their church participation.
The Complete BFC Mission Curriculum
- Elijah received the complete binder of all 9 Mission Programs that comprise the BFC Mission Curriculum.
- These programs will lay out the future for Mission Conference Training in Juba.
New Addition to BFC Juba Staff
- We thank God that Tina Anger has come on staff as Administrative Assistant.
- Welcome Tina. You are so much needed.
- Thank you Tina for all your help.
The BFC Juba Conference Center
- The BFC was able to find space in the Aron Hotel to open the BFC Conference Center.
- Currently we in some negotiations on costs. But the price is very reasonable.
- BFC will be able to offer Operation Blessing Bag in Juba.
- BFC will be able to store all literature for the juba Conference, Chad, Sudan and Ethiopia.
- BFC will be able to offer its weekly course study on: Healing and Restoration, Discipleship Training and other courses.
- BFC will have a presence in Juba to better serve the conference churches and people of Juba.
Prayer Requests
- All pastors filled out prayer requests. BFC prayer team to disseminate.
Training Lead
- Elijah carried out much of the training.
- Elijah did a great job on the training. Thank You!
- We thank God for Elijah and his efforts.
- The Discipleship workbook is going to be translated into Arabic.
- Matt is working on the Translation in Arabic and French. Eventually the entire curriculum will be translated.
- Matt is adding photographs to the BFC Conference website.
We are very grateful for the unity of the churches and pastors. We plan on bringing several "loads" of literature on the next visit. Juba and South Sudan are the latest formation of a country on the planet. Formed in 2011. Much of that time civil War ensued. And so the country is in need of healing. Let us hope that BFC can be part of that process. The Lord loves the people of Juba and South Sudan and so we at BFC, too, love the South Sudanese. God bless us as we serve His command to Love Thy Neighbor in Juba! Pray to God that we continue to unite in one accord! Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you and God’s People!